2024 eclipse timelapse by Ashley Lian

Bird Photography

In Twitcher vocabulary I am just a Dude. Someone who's engagement with bird watching is limited strictly to casual observation and photography rather than the passionate study of an ornithologist or obsessive travel of a Twitcher. Even still, I take pride in my casual engagement with the hobby and have been fortunate enough to consistently enhance my experiences with new gadgets and gizmos. In late 2024 I received a cheap well-used Canon DSLR body from Ashley as a starter. I took it upon myself to splurge on a nice telephoto lens which will hopefully last me years. I have a personal goal with this hobby to only ever use used tools. If something breaks I'll have to get it fixed, sell it for parts, or incorporate it into a trade. No more buying brand new stuff. Cameras are a good medium to test this idealized consumerism, there's a thriving used-goods ecosystem and the goods themselves can last decades with regular upkeep and gentle hands.

House Sparrow
American Robin
Corvus cleaning her feathers.
Tufted Titmouse
